@Wongssh web3 reading list. A reading list for solidity, web3 and Dapp programmers. We use Chinese and English language.
介绍了 #Web5 所需要的技术架构、特点和用户案例,也涉及了很多名词解释,很高的扫盲文章。读完后可以纠正
介绍了 #Web5 所需要的技术架构、特点和用户案例,也涉及了很多名词解释,很高的扫盲文章。读完后可以纠正
Web3 + Web2 = Web5
的误解Cryptography 密码学:
#secp256k1 #ecdsa #zk #musig #schnorr
Programing language 编程语言:
#solidity #yul #foundry #move #cario
Blockchain 区块链:
#eth #evm #gas #aptos #bitcoin #StarkNet #联盟链
Standard 标准:
#EIP20 #EIP712 #EIP1559 #EIP897 #EIP1822 #EIP1967 #EIP2535 #EIP4361
Product 产品:
#nft #dapp #Oracle #chainlink #metamask #Ceramic #did #defi #social #DAO
OnChain Data analysis链上数据分析:
Security 区块链安全:
#security #auth #ctf #wallet
Decentralized Storage 去中心化存储:
#ipfs #Ceramic
Misc 杂项:
#video #tutorial #cheat #Web5 #crossChain #merge
News 资讯:
#news #rss #newsletter #mirror
#secp256k1 #ecdsa #zk #musig #schnorr
Programing language 编程语言:
#solidity #yul #foundry #move #cario
Blockchain 区块链:
#eth #evm #gas #aptos #bitcoin #StarkNet #联盟链
Standard 标准:
#EIP20 #EIP712 #EIP1559 #EIP897 #EIP1822 #EIP1967 #EIP2535 #EIP4361
Product 产品:
#nft #dapp #Oracle #chainlink #metamask #Ceramic #did #defi #social #DAO
OnChain Data analysis链上数据分析:
Security 区块链安全:
#security #auth #ctf #wallet
Decentralized Storage 去中心化存储:
#ipfs #Ceramic
Misc 杂项:
#video #tutorial #cheat #Web5 #crossChain #merge
News 资讯:
#news #rss #newsletter #mirror
secp256k1 ecdsa zk musig schnorr solidity yul foundry move cario eth evm gas aptos bitcoin StarkNet 联盟链 EIP20 EIP712 EIP1559 EIP897 EIP1822 EIP1967 EIP2535 EIP4361 nft dapp Oracle chainlink metamask Ceramic did defi social DAO dataAnalysis security auth ctf wallet ipfs Ceramic video tutorial cheat Web5 crossChain merge news rss newsletter mirror