@Wongssh web3 reading list. A reading list for solidity, web3 and Dapp programmers. We use Chinese and English language.

介绍有关 #solidity abi 的相关内容。与文档相别,此篇博客更加详细,更适合新手阅读。
Introduce the content about solidity abi. Unlike the documentation, this blog is more detailed and more suitable for newcomers.
#tutorial Solidity Tutorial: all about ABI

完整介绍了作者如何完成一次 #ctf 的全过程和分析思路
A complete description of how the author completed a smart contract CFT and the whole process of analysis ideas.
#security Paradigm CTF 2021 - swap

一篇简单的文章介绍 #flashbot 的优缺点
A simple article about the advantages and disadvantages of flashbot .
A16z 开发了一款用了生成零知识证明 #zk 的库 zkDoc。 本文是对于 zkDoc 的一个简单介绍,以贷款应用为例,具有相当的现实价值。
A16z has developed a library zkDoc for generating zero-knowledge proofs. This paper is a brief introduction to zkDoc, with a loan application as an example of considerable practical value. zkDocs: Zero-knowledge Information Sharing - a16z crypto
由 openzeppelin 推出的以智能合约入侵为主题的闯关游戏,类似 CTF 夺旗。目前仍在基本被废弃 Rinkeby 测试网上,但项目是开源的,如果测试网失效可以自行部署。
A smart contract hack game by openzeppelin, similar to CTF . It is still on the largely deprecated Rinkeby test network, but the project is open source and can be deployed on its own if the test network deprecated.
#security #ctf

#Ceramic 是一个去中心化数据库,此篇博客是项目方给出的入门教程,主要内容关于 #did
Ceramic is a decentralized database, this blog is an introductory tutorial given by the project, the main content about DID. Tutorial: Getting Started With ComposeDB on Ceramic
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