@Wongssh web3 reading list. A reading list for solidity, web3 and Dapp programmers. We use Chinese and English language.

一个研究区块链数据导出的组织,目前有 #eth #bitcoin 等区块数据导出的脚本。
A GitHub organization that develops blockchain data etl and currently supports scripts for blockchain data exports such as ethereum and bitcoin.

https://mirror.xyz/asmp.eth/LWQckvjXUxeIKH42U9c67JPYshX0XImycMl2ACz60F4 介绍了 Storj、#Filecoin、#Arweave、Stratos、#Ceramic 去中心化存储方案

A very long introduction to decentralized storage, with detailed comparisons of the major protocols. The article is a condensed version, the full paper is 89 pages long and is placed in the comments section. Decentralized Storage: A Pillar of Web3

介绍一系列关于 #zk 的内容,需要密码学基础。虽然没有复杂的密码学内容,但作者讨论的问题比较艰深。
Presents a series on zero-knowledge proofs that require a foundation in cryptography. While there is no complex cryptographic content, the authors discuss tougher issues. A Cambrian Explosion of Crypto Proofs

#P2P 去中心化计算平台 #fluence 的简介,可以简单的认为是去中心化severless平台。扫了眼文档,感觉有点意思。
Based on the introduction of P2P decentralized computing platform Fluence , this platform can be simply considered as decentralized severless platform. Composable Web3 Compute
一个类似我们频道的 #rss 源,主要推送技术类文章,本频道的部分文章是从这里选的。注意,此RSS仅推送文章链接和文章的总结。

一篇介绍 #aptos 架构和相关协议的文章
An article describing the aptos architecture and related protocols.
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